Saturday, March 2, 2024

Why Today's Youth Need Some Lessons in the History of Racial Oppression!

 The young Asian student begins her diatribe with the seemingly now heavily endorsed view of past racial injustice saying, "Given that white women have never had to deal with racial or colonial oppression..." From what is taught today in educational classrooms K-12 through College and in the mainstream media, how or why would anyone disagree?
    Watch how one young scholar rakes it upon himself to give the young lady a very much needed history lesson. 

Why is there so much foolishness being taught in history classes today? It is no accident that the only school subjects not held to state-to-state or state-to-national comparisons are U.S. History and Civics. When no student or school is ever held accountable for what students know about these vital subjects, they need not be taught, or anything can be substituted for them. Extreme biases and false historical narratives are the norm today in far too many public school and college classrooms. Congress had the opportunity to correct this problem 35 years ago, yet failed to do so. Because Florida's student proficiency in U.S. History and Government are not compared to a national average or to other states, then Governor Jeb Bush could actually do away with these vital subjects as high school graduation requirements. That he would do so in a state where a sizeable percent of students came from countries with non-democratic governments and who desperately needed to assimilate into American culture can only be described as insane! And Jeb wanted to be our President!? Today we have reaped the rewards of our global elites who seek to have our youth identify more with tribal identities and victimhood than with the sterling qualities that once made our nation great and the envy of the world. 

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