Thursday, October 27, 2022

"First Vote" -- U.S. History Student Activity on 15th Amendment

Teachers covering the "Reconstruction Period" following the Civil War may want to use this activity which covers topics on "emancipation," "citizenship." and the importance of "political participation" of African American men. Students are asked to analyze not only the artist's point of view, but also comment on the historical events leading up to the Election of 1868. A complete Teacher's Answer Key is included. This activity could be used at either the middle or high school level.  

Access the complete Activity in either Microsoft WORD (HERE) or in a PDF format (HERE). 

To access many similar AP US History-like "Short Answer" actvities, go to the "Educational" link in the column to the right and select the link by the same name. To obtain many other such activities covering other periods of U.S. History, email  

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