111th PA Vol Inf. Reg't

History of the 111th PA Vol. Inf. Regiment

    History of the 111th in Powerpoint format (Click HERE to download). This 79 page slide program includes pictures, maps, photographs, and an overview of the unit's colorful history. Viewers may wish to download the program so they can edit it as they like.
    History of the 111th in PDF format (Click HERE to download) This is an alternative format of the program above.

Sources on the 111th PA Vol. Inf. Reg't.   (Pictured below are the shattered state and regimental flags of the 111the PA Regiment held by the color sergeants Frank Guy and Alonzo Foust.)

     Boyle, John Richards. "Soldiers True..." (1903)  The entire 368 page book is available as a free download from the "Open Library" Internet Archive. Much of the content in the Powerpoint above is based upon the Boyle book. John Boyle was the Adjutant of the 111th PA Volunteer Regiment whose own father was killed leading the Regiment into action and who spent considerable time corresponding with his fellow soldiers and researching War Department records and other sources to compile his history of the Regiment.   
  "Civil War Diary: Mr. Samuel S. Weidler's Book"
(Fairview Historical Society, Fairview, PA 1991). Details his service from February 1864 to July 1865.
    Cotton, Josh. "Don't Give an Inch!" (Times Observer, April 29, 2020). One in a series of articles written on the life and service of Capt. William Alexander of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment. 
    Cotton, Josh.  "One Man's Story" (Times Observer, May 20, 2017). One in a series of articles written on the life and service of Capt. William Alexander of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment. 
    Cotton, Josh.  "Peach Tree Creek(Times Observer, June 17, 2017). One in a series of articles written on the life and service of Capt. William Alexander of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment. 
   Cotton, Josh.  "Gallant Service"
(Times Observer, April 10, 2021). One in a series of articles written on the life and service of Capt. William Alexander of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment. 
    Cotton, Josh. "Touching the Past(Times Observer, March 6, 2021). One in a series of articles written on the life and service of Capt. William Alexander of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment. 
   Cotton, Josh. "Uniform preserved by family member for 160 years" (Times Observer, April 18, 2021). One in a series of articles written on the life and service of Capt. William Alexander of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment. 
   Cotton, Josh. "111's Only Monument" (Ecerpts from the dedication address to the Regiment's Monument on Culp's Hill, Gettysburg, 1889. This is one of a series of articles written on the history of the 111th PA Infantry Regiment by Times Observer columnist Josh Cotton.)
    Fox, William Freeman. Regimental Losses in the American Civil War--1861-1865.  (1889)   This 616 page book is available with searchable text at the Open Library of Internet Archive.

    Miller, James T.  "Bound to be a Soldier: The Letters of Private James T. Miller 1861-1864" (Knoxville TN: University of Tennessee Press), 2001.  [Order HERE]
    Wikipedia. "111th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment"

Photo of Lt. Col. George Cobham

OTHER Resources
    "General Order No 2" issued at Camp Reed, Erie, Pennsylvania (Courtesy of Dan Ward, Waterford, PA)
     Photo of the 1922 Reunion of 111th Survivors in Waterford, PA.   (courtesy of Dan Ward, Waterford, PA) 
  Monument to the 111th at Culp's Hill, Gettysburg (Describes the monument's inscriptions and its location on Culp's Hill.)

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