Wednesday, October 19, 2022

SUVCW Begins "Poster Project"-- Starting with the "PA BUCKTAILS!"

  The Isaac Eaton Camp, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and the re-enactors of the 150th PA Volunteer "Bucktail" Regiment have begun a "poster project" to help educate today's public to the history, heroism, and sacrifice of Civil War veterans from Western Pennsylvania. It is hoped the posters will be prominently featured at area libraries, summer living history displays, school classrooms, local cemeteries,  and at patriotic organizations. Here are several examples featuring the history of the Bucktail Brigade. More such posters are being planned that will concentrate on soldiers from Erie County's three main regiments. If you'd like to sponsor or get involved in this program contact Tim Bennet ( or Jack Bovee (  Contact Jack if you'd like to either check out any of these for your classroom or to have full image PDFs or JPEGs sent to you. It is hoped several compote sets of posters will be available soon! We'll post samples here from time to time so stay tuned! 

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