Thursday, September 16, 2021

Recommended Videos of the SWFL CWRT

Click here for the list of links. A variety of documentary videos, movie excerpts from famous Civil War films, animated maps of battles, and historical lectures may be accessed here. [Note: you may have to download the file for the links to work. Viewers should also note that YOUTUBE may have deleted certain links.]

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


We've a limited number of T-Shirts available for two of the famous Civil War Regiments from the Erie area--the 83rd PA Volunteer Inf. Regiment (of John McLane and Strong Vincent fame) and the 111th PA Volunteer Inf. Regiment (Col. Loomis Brown and Lt. Col. David McCreary fame).  The shirts come in all adult sizes and sell for $20.  Interested persons can contact Jack at: to purchase one of the shirts below.  

                  (Note: spelling of Kennesaw has been corrected on the above sample.)

The 'Australian CWRT Bugle Call' -- a great resource!

  One of the most amazing things related to the study of the American Civil War period is how it has inspired individuals and groups across the entire world. Among the groups best known for carrying on such research are the Australian Civil War Roundtables--part of the International Roundtable association. There are several of these and the Queensland, Australia CWRT editor, Mr. Taylor, has edited an excellent newsletter over many years. He has compiled--through his bi-monthly publication--a wide array of articles,  done some amazing research, and put together some neat tidbits of information that is sure to appeal to all ages. Even better, he's posted an archive of the group's newsletters on the internet for all to see! Check out his publication and see for yourself by clicking HERE: